How you can vote in the municipal assembly elections
…you have to fulfill these criteria:
- Be a citizen of the European Union.
- Be at least 18 years old on the second day of the elections.
- Have a place of residence in the Czech Republic on the election day at the latest (a permanent residence permit or certificate of temporary residence).
- Have a place of residence in the municipality in which you'd like to vote (e.g. Prague 2).
…do you meet all the criteria? Take these steps!
Apply for registration at the municipal office in your place of residence to be added to the list of eligible voters:
In person
- Fill out this application (vote-form.docx or vote-form.pdf).
- Bring your EU national ID or your passport.
- Bring your certificate of permanent or temporary residence.
- In Prague 2, the application can be submitted to the Administrative Department of Prague 2 town hall in office No. 114, 1st floor, náměstí Míru 600/20
120 39 Praha 2, telephone number: 236 044 313.
By mail or electronically
- Fill out this application (vote-form.docx or vote-form.pdf).
- State at least your name, surname and date of birth, for further identification the address of your place of residence in the Czech Republic. Other data can be verified by the municipal authority in the register of foreigners.
- Send it by mail or electronically using data box to your municipality.
…and don´t miss the deadline!
You can apply at any time but at the latest 2 days before election day (i.e. on Wednesday before the election up to 16.00).
More details can be found here: mvcr.cz/volby/clanek/for-foreigners-voters.aspx
For information on municipal elections for whole Prague follow please this link.
Why vote for us in 2022
- Prague 2 as a considerate and friendly town hall, saving the energy of its residents
We will change the town hall so that every resident of Prague 2 feels like a valuable part of the city district, whether a tenant in a municipal or private house, a property owner, a local entrepreneur, a parent of a child or a civic association.
- Prague 2 as a good and conscientious landlord
We will promote a balanced and responsible economy, we will not randomly waste the income from apartment sales in unnecessary investments.
- Prague 2 supporting community life, affordable care and motivating education
We will promote a community that is friendly to all generations.
- Prague 2 cultivating public space, green environment, and transport
We belong to the West, so let Prague 2 and its public space look like that, let's finally move on to cities like Vienna, Copenhagen or Amsterdam.
We will change the town hall so that every resident of Prague 2 feels like a valuable part of the city district, whether a tenant in a municipal or private house, a property owner, a local entrepreneur, a parent of a child or a civic association.
We will strive for the leadership of the town hall, which communicates with everyone without prejudice (for example, the signatory of the petition is not by nature a "troublemaker") and at the same time tries to save the time, energy and energies of its citizens. Many houses in Prague 2 have similar difficulties with energy savings, so we want to create a small and efficient consulting center that could be a partner of central authorities (ministries, preservation authorities, etc.), so even Prague 2 could adapt to climate and energy change.
It is also a matter of course for us that the position of mayor is a full-time job.
- The town hall will be here for the citizens, the citizen will be a partner for the town hall, therefore we will always propose public discussions and participation in a timely manner.
- We will pay attention to citizen petitions and initiatives.
- Less necessary visits to the town offices - let the data move instead of people.
- We will introduce the possibility of cashless and QR payments for all transactions with institutions of Prague 2, even in 2022 this is still not a standard in Prague 2.
- We will establish a consulting center for energy savings and subsidies - help with adaptation to the new energetic situation, assistance for handling subsidies and efforts to use community energy.
- We will provide open data as support for creating external user applications.